BANK bosses have gone back to school to transform a primary school reception area to showcase pupils work.

Yorkshire Building Society staff got their hands dirty carrying out work at Mill Hill Primary School, Northallerton.

It formed part of the actionteering programme run by the society to encourage staff to get involved in helping community projects.

Ten members of staff including managers, development coaches and management trainees took part in the Mill Hill exercise on Crosby Road.

The redecorated the school’s reception and entranceway to provide a space for the pupils to show off their work.

Helen Wilkinson a management trainee is the leader of the society’s team of volunteers.

She said: "We are really looking forward to getting our hands dirty to transform the entranceway and reception at Mill Hill School.

"Hopefully the work we do on the day will provide a perfect backdrop so that staff, parents and visitors can enjoy viewing the wonderful achievements of pupils at the school."