RESIDENTS can expect to see a move visible police presence in Thirsk as new staff take up roles in the town.

Sergeant Sharon Findlay has joined the team and leads the Safer Neighbourhood Officers who cover Thrisk and neighbouring Sowerby.

The officers have already begun work on a number of priority schemes to tackle the local issues.

The Thirsk Safer Neighbourhood Team are already working with partner agencies to turn Carrs Field into an area where youths can socialise safely.

Sergeant Findlay says: "We are working closely with the community to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.

"We are strengthening our partnership working with a number of agencies to maximise positive results for the public.

"At a local level we identified a number of youths who have been responsible for low key anti-social behaviour and we are applying acceptable behaviour contracts."

It is hoped to revitalise the Neighbourhood Watch and Country Watch schemes and interested locals are wanted to join them.

Details and an application pack can be got from the Thirsk team on 0845-6060-247 or via