MOVES are underway to provide youngsters with behavioural difficulties in North Yorkshire with schooling far nearer to home.

At present secondary age boys from the western areas of the county with behaviour difficulties are catered for at Baliol School, at Sedburgh in Cumbria.

However the school is maintained by North Yorkshire - which is now planning to transfer it to a new site near Harrogate.

The current location of Baliol means it is difficult to reach for many pupils in North Yorkshire and it is also too far away from the local network of services that the county council is developing.

As part of its special education needs strategy, the authority intends that the school will serve the county to the west of the A1, complementing its similar provision to the east at the residential special school of Brompton Hall near Scarborough.

The aim is to be part of a closer network of specialist and mainstream educational provision in order for staff to share professional expertise and for children to be supported more effectively.

A final decision will be made in December and if the move goes ahead, Baliol will move into the Defence Estates Forest Moor site at Menwith Hill which the county council proposes to acquire.

The transfer could take place as early as September next year.

The Forest Moor buildings will be adapted to provide classrooms with specialist provision for food technology, design technology, music, drama and a library; bedrooms and living accommodation and a four-court sports hall which could also be available for use by the local community.