VISITORS to a North Yorkshire town will find an unusual phone box offering details on a local event.

Nina Briggs Moubayed, eight, came up with the idea to turn Masham’s red phone box into a short-term information kiosk.

It has been temporarily turned into a mini information centre for the Masham Arts Festival which runs between October 23-31.

The phone box on Silver Street, near the Market Place, has been washed and decorated with festival programmes on offer inside.

Programmes are on offer at Masham Community Office but it is only open from 10am to 3pm daily and somewhere with longer hours was needed.

Nina said: "We came back ten minutes after we'd put up the posters and two people were squashed inside looking at the leaflets.

"They were actually in there. I wasn't sure if anyone would really use it but they did and now every time we walk by we see people looking at it."

Several festival events are sold out but details can be got from the community office, on 01765-680200 or at