RESIDENTS are being warned to be on guard after a rise in thieves targeting homes to steal car keys and then the vehicle parked outside.

North Yorkshire Police has seen an increase in this type of crime in recent months and it is urging homeowners to boost security.

The force recorded 20 thefts of this kind in the first two weeks of October compared to 23 for the whole of October 2008.

Detective chief inspector Nigel Costello, of North Yorkshire Police's CID, said: "The thieves are looking for any opportunity to steal the keys to a vehicle which takes their eye.

"Don't leave keys, wallets or handbags on display in the house in view of windows, doors or cat-flaps.

"Put them out of sight where they are difficult to find. Also ensure that you lock your windows and doors, even when you are at home.

"Invest in some security lighting and an alarm, check that existing ones are working properly and ensure that you activate the system.

"If you have to leave your car on the drive, fit extra security devices such as steering or wheel locks. If finances permit, consider fitting a tracking device.

"With the onset of long dark nights, we want to ensure people take steps to minimise their chances of becoming a burglary victim.

"The thieves target luxury vehicles and the vehicle of choice at present is four-wheel drive vehicles and we believe they are travelling here from out of the area.

"Owners can do a lot to make life difficult for opportunist thieves; if you have a garage or outbuilding, clear it out and put your vehicle in it."