PARENTS and children across North Yorkshire are being urged to leave the car at home as part of International Walk to School Month.

And youngsters at one school decided to take action themselves as concern grew over traffic nearby.

They designed a big banner to put outside the gates of Romanby primary, Northallerton, telling parents to think of road safety and instead of "driving do some striding."

The county council’s road safety and travel awareness officer Kevin Pratt helped get the banner made along with 95 Alive road safety partnership.

"This is an excellent way of getting the road safety message across. The children had some really good ideas, and we were happy to help them get the banner made," he said.

"October is International Walk to School Month so this all helps to emphasise how important it is and how working together can make a difference."

Head teacher James Foxwell added :"Parking round school has been a bit of an issue, so the work the road safety team have been doing in school has helped make the children think about walking.

"We’re hoping the banner will encourage a lot more people to leave the car at home, or park further away."