HEALTH bosses in the region are asking people in the region to think about the amount of alcohol they drink.

This week is Alcohol Awareness Week and health experts are urging people to know their limits and stick to the recommended daily alcohol amounts.

And Alcohol Concern has published research which found that the number of alcohol related deaths across the country has trebled since the late 1980s.

Regional Director for Public Health at NHS Yorkshire and the Humber, Paul Johnstone, said: "Deaths from chronic liver disease have almost doubled in Yorkshire and the Humber in the past ten years.

"By drinking sensibly people can avoid problems like cirrhosis of the liver and many different types of cancer, including cancer of the breast, mouth, larynx and liver as well as a range of psychological illnesses.

"By educating people about sensible drinking we will be able to dramatically cut down on the resources we dedicate to alcohol related surgery and treatments, saving money for the NHS and the taxpayer."

The recommended daily alcohol amounts are up to two to three units for a woman and up to three to four units for a man. A large glass of wine contains three units, an average pint of beer contains two units as does a double gin and tonic.