A CHEESEMAKER is celebrating another major success after taking a top international award.

Shepherd’s Purse, based near Thirsk, scooped the bronze at this year's prestigious World Cheese Awards in Las Palmas, for its Mrs Bell’s Blue.

The event is the largest and most cosmopolitan cheese competition in the world, with more than 2,400 competitors across 34 different countries.

And the accolade for Shepherd’s Purse follows closely behind its recent gold win for the cheese at the British Cheese Awards.

Mrs Bell’s Blue, traditionally hand made with locally-sourced ewe's milk and named after founder Judy Bell, was awarded bronze in the blue vein cheese, uncut, foil wrapped category.

The win marks the 4th award this year for the cheese, which is considered to be a true contender to other continental ewe’s milk blue cheeses with its creamy texture and slightly salty, complex blue flavour.

Judy, the chief executive of Shepherds Purse, said: "We are absolutely delighted to have been awarded bronze at the prestigious World Cheese Awards.

"It continues to pick up award after award for its fabulous taste and I am so proud to have my name on it and win on the world stage."