A GROUP of students have set out on what could be the biggest adventure of their lives - in the shadow of the world’s highest peak.

Teenagers from Northallerton College have embarked on an epic expedition to Everest following a marathon local fund-raising effort.

And hundreds of well-wishers turned out to see off the 16-strong party on its Himalayan journey.

The group are flying to Nepal for a 24-day trek to the Everest base camp and to scale the 5,500m Kala Patar peak.

And while in Nepal they also plan to insulate a Sherpa’s home in return for his guiding knowledge and work in a local school.

The team of eight boys and eight girls have mobilised a community since they launched their fund-raising appeal last July.

In that time they have managed to raise almost £50,000 to pay for the life-changing experience. in the face of one of the worst recessions for decades.

Even before making the trip they have found the whole experience challenging and rewarding.

Expedition member Simon Howard said: "This is the culmination of so much hard work and we fully intend to make the most of the trip.

"We have all really bonded and see this as a life-changing experience. We are incredibly excited about the adventure."

In the run up to the expedition they had also benefited from some sound advice from Gurkha families who attend the college’s federated school at Risedale Sports and Community College, Hipswell.

They gave them a flavour of the climate, altitude and food they were likely to experience, along with some useful phrases.

Headmaster Mick Hill said: "This trip will set the young people up for life. It has made them self-reliant yet given them the ability to work as a team. They have learnt leadership skills, economic and global awareness and will experience the amazing richness of another cultural."

The students will write a daily blog and plan to document the trip on video and with photography. Their progress can be followed by logging on to northallertoncollege.org.uk