A WOULD-BE MP has hit back at town councillors’ criticism of plans to protect a market town from flooding.

Some members of Thirsk town council said the plans to combat potential future flood problems in the town were "not justified".

The plans have been drawn up to combat problems with the town’s Cod Beck.

Residents have also voiced fears that the flood barriers, which could be up to 1.5m high, would be a blight visually.

But Howard Keal, the Liberal Democrat’s prospective parliamentary candidate for the Thirsk and Malton constituency, said there is "nothing to fear and everything to gain" from the proposed defences.

He said: "It is vital that councillors quickly realise that this scheme must be grabbed with both hands and made to happen.

"Experience elsewhere shows that with pressure on every pound it is all too easy for the Environment Agency to walk away.

"I know from bitter experience – having been flooded twice – exactly what it means to have your home deluged under several feet of water.

"It brings a tidal wave of heartache in its wake and for many victims it can take nine months of repairs before they are able to return home.

"Millions of pounds worth of damage has been caused by the floods from Cod Beck and the proposed defences need full support.

"Without that backing there is every danger that the window of opportunity on funding will be slammed shut.

"That must not be allowed to happen."

Mr Keal helped successfully campaign for £9.5m worth of flood defences to be built in Malton.

He added: "Consider the plight of Pickering – flooded a fourth time in 2007 while the protected towns just up the road remained dry.

"Unless defences are urgently provided it is not a question of whether the town will flood again – it is just a matter of when and how badly.

"I appeal to town councillors and residents to back the Environment Agency scheme."