A VILLAGE school is waxing lyrical after chalking up another success in a national poetry competition.

A Year Six pupil at Sowerby primary has taken the top prize in the Young Writers "Poetry explorers – Poems from England" competition.

Each year pupils submit poems to the national Young Writers awards, which are designed to showcase the nation’s best poets and most creative writers.

Two years ago Sowerby won the prize for the Yorkshire and Humberside region and last year more than 30 children from the school had their poems selected for an anthology of Yuletide Rhymes.

This year it was Jake Varley’s turn to be in the spotlight.

His entry, "My Poem of Music", was named overall winner. His prize included received a writing set and the chance to see his work published in the anthologies which are held in the British Library’s national archives.

Head teacher Jean Yendall said: "We are immensely proud of Jake, he has done incredibly well considering the thousands of poems submitted from all around the country.

"His poem was very special and we are so pleased that his talents have been recognised in this competition."

More information on Young Writers can be found on the website www.youngwriters.co.uk