OLD teabags were given a new lease of life at an innovative tea party for the whole community held in a village school.

Around 50 people turned up to the event, where they learnt how to grow cress in tea bags and make art from tea bags that are dried out, painted and laminated or varnished.

It was part of the latest "Fresh Expressions" family service held in Fountains School, Grantley, near Ripon.

The event, which was open to everyone from all the surrounding villages, was aimed at attracting more people to a new, informal, hands-on form of worship for all ages.

The Fresh Expressions services, which started earlier this year, are attracting more and more people from the surrounding areas.

One newcomer, Michelle Hebden, of Littlethorpe, said: "It’s often difficult to get little ones to sit through conventional church services, but this was great. I really enjoyed it too, it works really well."