MEMBERS of a junior football team hope to be scoring goals with style this season, thanks to a £300 donation that has enabled them to buy new kit.

In previous seasons, youngsters turning out for Northallerton Junior Football Club (JFC) have had to play in hand-me-down kits from other teams within the club.

This year, the team will be able to play with pride, knowing their kit is brand new.

The new kit was paid for with a £300 donation from the Yorkshire Building Society.

Young players visited the society’s branch, in Northallerton High Street, on Friday, to thank staff for the donation.

The under-nines team has never played competitively, playing only friendly games against similar teams.

With their new kit, the team will now take on the challenge of competitive football and play in the Under Nine North Riding Division Three.

Mark Bell, manager of Northallerton JFC, said: "This is a big year for the team, for the first time they will be playing in a competition and I felt it was important for them to feel like a proper team, by having their own kit.

"We are all really grateful to Yorkshire Building Society for their support and we hope the kits will bring us luck.

"You never know, in ten years’ time you could see one or two of our players in the Premier League."

Paula McGee, manager of the building society’s Northallerton branch, said: "When Mark and his son approached us about the donation, we were more than happy to help.

"I think it’s important for children to get out in the fresh air, have a bit of exercise and have fun at the same time.

"The team look fantastic in their kit – let’s hope it helps them to bring home some silverware."