A TEAM of street rangers employed to keep the streets of a major city centre safe have been recognised in a series of national awards.

York Business Improvement District's (BID) scheme to deter anti-social behaviour and reduce crime within York's streets was recognised at the annual Town and City Management Industry Awards in London.

The street rangers, who prevented 1,544 criminal incidents, deterred 1,484 cases of anti-social behaviour and recovered more than £24,000 worth of stolen goods last year, were recognised for their efforts.

Andrew Lowson of York BID said: "The street rangers have made a huge contribution to the city centre since the scheme was launched in September 2016, and the judges were clearly impressed by the way that the BID levy – which is funded by city centre businesses – has been used to such significant effect.

"They are a visible presence on the streets of York, regularly talking to businesses about any concerns, and able to act quickly to issues like antisocial behaviour, working closely with North Yorkshire Police to make the city centre a safer, more welcoming place for residents and visitors alike.”

The rangers are funded from a 1 percent levy on business rates for businesses within the inner ring road of York.

Carl Nickson, head of the street rangers, said: "Our rangers are out every day of the year in all weathers, but they get a superb response from business owners and the general public alike.

"Day to day, we see a real impact from this visible presence on the streets, so it is superb to receive national recognition for the hard work we do.”