HOMES in Northallerton are that bit brighter and safer for the New Year thanks to a police initiative.

More than 500 home safety packs have been delivered to households in the town and surrounding villages.

The crime prevention information, and increased police patrols, are part of Operation Bright, which aims to make homes in the Hambleton district less vulnerable to crime.

Burglaries typically increase when evenings are darker. There were 23 burglaries in the Hambleton district in July 2018, compared with 34 in November.

Burglary includes crimes targeting both homes and non-residential properties such as businesses or outbuildings.

The initiative urges residents to leave a light on, by setting a timer switch when their home is unoccupied, and to take other simple crime prevention steps.

Sergeant Simon Wilson said: "Operation Bright is a burglary reduction initiative using the theory that offenders target homes when they are in darkness, assuming they are unoccupied.

"By identifying homes in darkness and promoting the 'leave a light on' message, we can reduce a property's vulnerability. Throughout the winter months we have been out on patrol delivering prevention packs in Northallerton and surrounding villages."

Tips include: Lock your doors and windows every time you leave the house; hide all keys, including car keys, out of sight and away from the letterbox; install a visual burglar alarm ; install good outside lighting; leave radios or lights in your house on a timer to make the property appear occupied; and keep ladders stored away.