STAFF and patients from a medical centre have raised dozens in donations for a women's refuge over the festive period.

The sizeable donations came from the Scorton Medical Centre, near Richmond, which ended up with 25 gift bags which were packed full of essential toiletries for women victims of domestic abuse.

Scorton Medical Centre receptionist Mandi Roberts said she had came up with an idea to help those living in women’s refuges while listening to a news item about donations raised for people in need.

“At a time of crisis when women flee their home, the last thing they are going to take with them are toiletries.”

The medical centre received enough toiletries to fill dozens of large gift bags which were then given to residents at the women’s refuge.

The donations included hair brushes, shampoo, shower gels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant and sanitary products which are often expensive to buy.

The items also included a donation of perfumes which were given to the refuge staff to hand out to the women.

Practice manager Caroline Harker said they had received enough donations to last the women ‘well into the New Year’ and said people got involved after a post on social media gained a huge response.

Ms Harker said in total, it took the team around four weeks, to gain enough support in donations to fill the bags.

“We thought we would have enough for ten or 20 bags but we managed to do 25 bags. It was so welcomed by the refuge.”

Ms Roberts added: “It has been absolutely fantastic. We were still getting people bringing things in, it was a big success and we hope to do it again next year.”