A YOUTH theatre has received a grant of more than £4,000 towards an ambitious musical production.

Stokesley’s Crash Bang Wallop Youth Theatre has received the funding from Hambleton District Council’s Community Grant programme, which will help fund its forthcoming performance of Crazy For You.

The musical, a celebration of George Gershwin’s music, centres around a reluctant New York banker with a passion for song and dance and will be performed in Northallerton next week (Wednesday, February 12 to Saturday, February 15).

Theatre director Dan Brookes said the production is one of the most challenging shows the group has ever attempted, with an array of complex music and dance numbers, but the group had “more than risen to the challenge”.

The youth theatre was set up nine years ago by Mr Brookes, a local, professionally trained actor and now operates as a registered charity, renting its own unit in Stokesley. He said they had worked hard to keep the group affordable for local families.

“Due to considerable and unexpected costs of making essential improvements to our unit last year, we had no reserves to help prepare for this year’s show,” said Mr Brookes, who provides his services free of charge.

“The fact that we have never received any personal income from the youth theatre activities has helped to keep costs low, and this has helped us to keep subscriptions at an affordable level for local families. We currently have about 70 child members.

“Crash Bang Wallop is only able to function as well as it does due to the efforts of our volunteers, parents, grandparents and of course the children. They are so excited that this show is able to go ahead.”

‘Crazy For You’ takes place at the Forum, Northallerton from Wednesday, February 12 to Saturday February 15 at 7.30pm. Tickets are £8 for concessions and £10 for adults and available from the Crash Bang Wallop Box Office on 01642-722192.