A GROUP of volunteers who provide respite support to carers will mark its 25th anniversary with a ceilidh and supper at Thirsk Town Hall.

Thirsk Carers Support, which is part of the Thirsk Community Care Association, is inviting anyone who has volunteered for or received support from the group to attend the event on Friday, June 14, at Thirsk and Sowerby Town Hall.

As the anniversary coincides with National Carers Week, from Monday, June 10, churches in the area have been asked to remember carers in their prayers.

Volunteer co-ordinator Gill Burn said the group was appealing for more volunteers to give carers short breaks, particularly for the families of children with special needs.

She said: “Carers Week is a really good time to volunteer for the group, which can be very rewarding for people who have a little time to spare.”

For details, or for tickets to the ceilidh, call 01845-523115 or email gill.burn@tscca.org.uk