A vintage fashion show featuring a wedding dress from the 1880’s is being held to help raise funds for Snape Village Institute.

The Institute committee has recruited the help of many local people who have searched through their wardrobes for vintage fashions including dresses, coats, hats, shoes, bags and other artefacts and accessories.

The fashion show will be held on Saturday June 29 with an exhibition of the collection on Sunday June 30.

Event coordinator Sarah Lowe said they would serve afternoon tea with the fashion show as models parade in some of the more dramatic costumes, just as many fashion houses would have done in the 40’s.

She said: “We have an amazing range of fashions offered including a 1880’s two piece wedding dress in blue silk that was worn by a local lady, Victorian and Edwardian costume items, 1930s cocktail dresses, 1910 wedding dress and gowns worn on the QE2 in the 1960s.

"Our period is mainly 1930 to 1980 but it has been amazing the range and age of the items people have in their possession and through their generosity these will all be on display or modelled for those attending the event to see up close.

“We are hoping that a number of people will also come along in their authentic costumes and then join the cat walk. This should be huge fun and already the tickets are selling fast. It will appeal to those interested in fashion or textiles and those with memories of the period.”

Tickets are £10 available from Sarah on 01677 470444. The exhibition will also be open on Sunday 30 June from 10 am to 4 pm – entrance fee of £4.50 including light refreshments.