A CYCLING club has organised a series of regional grass track events at Richmondshire Cricket Club.

Richmond Cycling Club has been granted the use of the grass track velodrome at the cricket club for a series of mid-week evening regional events.

A series of six Monday night events every other week, run on a league basis and sanctioned by British Cycling, has been set up to run until July 22.

There will be an emphasis on attracting newcomers from all age groups and the cycling club is also seeking funding for a stock of track and specific cycles to support a “come and try it" approach.

The first track session on Richmond’s Grass Track Velodrome, at the cricket club, took place on Monday, May 13.

The first session was a mix of sprint practice and the skills of riding in a group with no brakes and fixed gears.

A full programme of events, including the National 800m Championship, a Youth and Ladies Omniums and the Richmond Cobble race, and more information is available at northridingtrackleague.co.uk