POLICE are trying to ensure a tragedy-free summer – by urging people to tip them off about drink or drug drivers.

They have launched a new campaign encouraging people to “dob in a drink driver” and “grass on a drug driver.”

The North Yorkshire force has joined forces with the county’s road safety partnership for their summer drink-drive crackdown.

And their message will appear on beer mats in pubs and bars throughout the county to remind people that one phone call can help to save lives.

A drink and drug driver counter has also been added to the North Yorkshire Police website to document how many people have been arrested throughout the year.

The counter will also contain information naming and shaming anyone convicted of driving while under the influence of drink or drugs.

During past campaigns police have found that information received from the public has been very useful in helping to target drink and drug drivers.

And they hope that community intelligence coupled with dedicated and targeted police patrols can help to save lives this summer.

Superintendent Dave Foster said: “Everybody knows that drink and drug driving is dangerous and accounts for the loss of numerous lives throughout the country every year.

“What has been encouraging over the past couple of years is that we have received some really good information from responsible members of the public about people they suspect of getting behind the wheel while under the influence of drink and drugs.

“This helps to make our patrols more targeted and has resulted in some really good arrests that we may not have been able to make without the support of the community.”

He added: “Dobbing in a drink driver or grassing on a drug driver takes a matter of seconds and can really make a difference in cutting the number of tragic deaths which occur on our roads as a result of people who get behind the wheel while impaired through drink or drugs.”