THE past is being bought to life at the County Record Office on Malpas Road in Northallerton next week.

It is hosting a light-hearted interactive evening in which members of the public will be able to explore behind the scenes in the archives.

The event, on May 16 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, has been organised by North Yorkshire County Council as part of the nationwide Museums at Night initiative.

Highlights will include costume historian Meridith Town giving a presentation “Romance in the Raj” - a journey of Edwardian and twenties fashion, through the eyes of a young lady on the hunt for a husband in India.

“Viscount Fairfax and his housemaid” will show the original receipts and vouchers detailing the lavish expense required to maintain Fairfax House in York, regarded as one of the finest Georgian town houses in England.

And Ripon Museums Trust are sending “Matron and inmates” to open a workhouse for the evening, signing visitors into the admissions register and taking them through the rules and regulations inmates had to abide by.

Other histories will be brought to life throughout the building using records from the collections, providing something for all ages.

The event is free and refreshments will be provided. Car parking is available in the doctor’s surgery next door.