A PRIMARY school has been awarded an Inclusion Quality Mark for its work to ensure all children have an equal access to high quality education, regardless of their abilities.

Middleton Tyas Church of England Primary School, near Richmond, has been celebrating after receiving the highest possible grade from North Yorkshire Local Education Authority.

The Inclusion Quality Mark acknowledges that each child is an individual and though following a creative curriculum, the school can cater to the needs of each child.

School press officer Helen Richardson said: “We look at how the children like to learn, and do a lot of hands-on learning.

“For example in maths children have been looking at weights and measurements and have done that through baking so that it is practical and means something to them.

“Deputy headteacher Susan Gardner put the work together to show what we had been doing for the assessment.”

The school will keep its certificate for the next two years, then will have to apply again – but hopes to keep its mark of success for many years to come.