A TALENTED young performer has been awarded a place at the National Youth Music Theatre.

Ben Clarke, 11, a member of the Georgian Theatre Royal Youth Theatre in Richmond, passed two rounds of auditions to earn the opportunity.

He will now attend three weeks of rehearsals before appearing in Whistle Down the Wind at the Rose Theatre, in Kingston, July.

Ben, from Bainbridge, near Hawes, who has won Wensleydale’s Got Talent for the last two years, said he was thrilled at the opportunity.

“I didn’t think I would stand a chance of getting a place when I saw the other people at the audition.

“I’m very excited about it. It’s going to be a great experience.”

Although he loves acting and singing, Ben said he hoped the placement would help him become an English teacher when he leaves school.

Ben has to raise £850 to pay for the residential course and transport. He is planning to hold raffles, a car boot sale and a sponsored walk to raise the money. He has also received a personal donation from Richmond county councillor Stuart Parsons.

Anyone willing to help Ben raise the money can contact him through the Georgian Theatre Royal Youth Theatre, Victoria Road, Richmond, North Yorkshire, DL10 4DW.