CRIME in Northallerton was slightly up last month – although incidents of anti-social behaviour were significantly down.

A total of 69 crimes were reported to the police – seven more than in the previous month, the town council was told.

Twenty of those involved violence and the others included 19 of theft, 17 criminal damage and ten burglaries.

Incidents of anti-social behaviour however were down from 103 to 71 – a figure mayor Jack Dobson described as “very encouraging.”

Police have also been dropping in on local pubs to identify underage drinking and found there was no problem at the present time.

Food wagon: Councillors were asked their views on plans to licence a hot food wagon in the High Street until 3am.

They were in favour on the wagon but divided over the time it should remain open – and agreed that midnight should be the cut-off point.

Council website: Councillors have agreed not to renew their contract with their current website provider. Instead they plan to approach Northallerton College with a view to letting students design a new site.

New member: Preston Forster has been co-opted as a new member of the town council. He replaces the late Jane Harvey, who was mayor of the town three times and who died last November.

Town hall: The council will shortly begin look for grants to carry out works on the Grade II-listed town hall, where details of the planned works can be seen.