AN army reservist has been presented with one of the highest honours in the force for his dedication.

Captain Terry McConnell, from Catterick Village in North Yorkshire, has been awarded the Lord Lieutenant’s Certificate in recognition of his “outstanding contribution and dedication” to the reserve forces.

Cpt McConnell is currently the staff administration officer with Yorkshire Squadron, The Queen’s Own Yeomanry in York.

In the past he has served with both The Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars and The Queen’s Royal Hussars. He completed 23 years regular service as the Regimental Sergeant Major with the Queen’s Own Yeomanry.

He took up his present role in 2004.

Publicity officer for the Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association (RFCA) in Yorkshire, Paul Barnard, said: “Over the last 10 years Terry has been the bedrock of his squadron, working all hours from six in the morning until long after everyone else has left.

"His dedication to ensure the soldiers have the very best service is without equal, and he has been a caring mentor for all ranks, including a huge support for families whose loved-ones have been deployed on operations.”

The certificate was presented by Colonel Edward York, vice-lieutenant for North Yorkshire, at a private ceremony in Worsley Barracks in York.

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