A number of voluntary organisations have joined a project to convert prison land in Northallerton into a new garden for the town. The initiative, between Northallerton Environmental Enhancement Initiative (NEEI) and HMP Northallerton will involve turning a patch of land surrounding the prison into an area for the public to enjoy. Northallerton and District Round Table, Northallerton Rotary Club and Northallerton Lionesses Club are also now involved in the project.

HISTORIC LANDSCAPE REGENERATION: Stokesley Society will be hosting a talk by David Rodway on the regeneration of Hackfall near Grewelthorpe, Ripon. The landscaped garden contains follies, temples and water features and dates back to 1750. The wooded area is now being regenerated and the talk will look at some of the renovation to take place over the last three years. The evening takes place on Monday, March 25 in the upper room of Stokesley Town Hall from 7.30pm.

HEALTH WALK: On Monday, March 25, Hambleton Strollers will be staging a 30 to 60 minute health walk from Great Ayton Library. Meet at 10.15am for a 10.30am start. For more information on the Walking for Health scheme in Hambleton, pick up a leaflet from GP surgeries, tourist information centres, libraries or ring: 01609-771624 for more information.