AN offer of help from textile students proved to be just the thing when a local band wanted to smarten up its act.

Northallerton College students agreed to design and produce attractive music stand banners for Northallerton Woodwind Ensemble, a group of fund-raising music enthusiasts.

The GCSE and A-level students worked up the ideas to meet the design brief under the watchful eye of teacher Linda Breckon.

Pins and Needles, of Northallerton, then completed the embroidery and now the ensemble has 24 smart covers for their stands.

The band, under the direction of peripatetic music teacher Tim Waters, brings together intermediate music enthusiasts from across North Yorkshire for regular concerts which raise much needed funds for charity.

Band member Eileen Tyndall, of Northallerton, said: “We started with just five members and now have 20, ranging from 13-years-old to over 70.

“We do a lot for charity and thought it was time we improved our image. The music stands look great; simple, effective and professional and they have been commented upon.”

Mrs Breckon added: “My sister-in-law is in the band so I was delighted to help and it is always great experience for the students to complete a live brief for a real client.”