A GROUP of ukulele players have renamed their home county "Ukeshire", and are on track to provide the entertainment for a special trip on the Wensleydale Railway.

The group, known as Uketopians, is performing at an event on the railway on November 17.

The event includes a train journey on the railway from Leeming Bar with a five mile walk, a festive lunch and a concert.

Member Peter Wright said: “The Uketopians are a small ukelele-based ensemble.

"It includes members from Northallerton Music Centre and The Dales Ukelele Club based in Crakehall.

"We play jazz, pop, country and even punk and reggae and blend in other instruments to produce a pleasant cacophony of sound. We say we’re Ukeshire and proud of it!”

Booking for the trip is essential phone via 08454 50 54 74 or visit the website www.wensleydalerailway.com