SCHOOLS across North Yorkshire have benefited from council funding to make significant repairs to buildings to make sure they are weather tight in time for winter.

North Yorkshire County Council recently completed its maintenance programme in more than 40 schools in the county, addressing long-standing repair issues and making general improvements to buildings.

Despite significant reductions in Government money for investment in school buildings, the county council has increased maintenance funding to renew school roofs, replace windows and floors where necessary and upgrade school heating and electrics.

County Councillor Arthur Barker said: “At a time when the county council is facing significant reductions in the money that is available to invest in school buildings it is important we focus our investment in the right areas. “We believe by improving the fabric of our schools we will ensure that pupils throughout North Yorkshire will be able to enjoy high quality learning environments."

The council has worked with property consultants Jacobs to identify priority projects across the county and to ensure most of the work has been done during school holidays.

Coun Barker said: “Carrying out maintenance work within schools can be difficult as it requires a significant effort from all concerned within a concentrated amount of time.

“I would like to thank all of the contractors involved in the successful delivery of the programme of work this year as well as head teachers and staff, pupils and their families, for their cooperation and patience throughout the works.”

Scot McFarlane, head teacher at Stokesley Community Primary School, which has benefited from the replacement of a large flat roof and of heating mains within the central school building, said: “In recent years we have suffered a large amount of disruption during periods of heavy rain when water has leaked through the roof into a number of classrooms.

“The pupils at the school are looking forward to a far drier winter within the school."

The council is now working with Jacobs to identify priorities for inclusion in a programme of works to be delivered during 2013-14. This will be finalised once the council receives notification of its capital allocation from the Government, expected to be in December.