AN appeal has been made for the return of a woman’s handbag, believed to have been left following a family gathering at a city centre restaurant.

The owner only realised the embroidered pink bag was missing when she woke on Sunday (OCT 14), following the night out in Durham on Saturday (OCT 13).

She believes she left it at La Spaghettata restaurant, in Saddler Street, where she attended a family birthday celebration, on Saturday, leaving at around 9.30pm.

The 30cm-sq bag contained only some make-up and a camera, which carried a memory card featuring sentimental family photographs taken on the night and over the last two years.

Although the owner has spoken to restaurant staff and to police, there has been no report of the bag having been handed in or even sighted since Saturday.

Anyone who knows of the whereabouts of the bag, the camera or just the memory card, is asked to ring ‘Kate’, on (07905) 168621.