A COUNCIL is cracking down on dog owners who fail to clear up after their pets.

Durham County Council neighbourhood and environmental wardens have issued 26 fixed penalty notices against the irresponsible dog owners.

Also, more than 60 stray dogs were taken off the streets during early morning patrols in Durham City and east Durham.

Dog owners who fail to clear up after their pet can be given a fixed penalty notice of £80. If this goes unpaid, the owner could be taken to court and fined up to £1,000.

Dave Riseley, from the council, said: "The one issue consistently raised during recent resident meetings has been the amount of dog mess not being cleaned up by a small number of owners.

"As a result we stepped up our enforcement action during August with a clear warning that we will take action against anyone we witness allowing their dog to foul."

Patrols will continue in problem areas.

Residents are urged to report dog fouling to the council, making a note of the time, date and location of the incident, plus a description of the dog and owner.

To report an incident, call Durham County Council on 0300-1237070.