RETAILERS hope a new shoe store will kick-start the economic recovery in a city centre.

Jones Bootmaker has opened a new 2,500sq ft store in the Prince Bishops shopping centre, Durham, creating nine new jobs.

The firm, established in 1857, has 95 branches across the UK but Durham’s is the first in the North-E ast.

Store manager Carl Bennett said: "We are really excited to be opening a store in the North-East and this is an ideal location for us.

"Durham has a lot to offer retailers and not only is the Prince Bishops shopping centre the key retail hub in the city, it also has a great range of other retailers that fit well with our offer."

Prince Bishops manager Richard Toynbee said: "I am pleased to report that despite tough trading conditions, retail and leisure choices in Durham continue to thrive.

"We are delighted to welcome Jones Bootmaker to Prince Bishops."