AN evening of music and poetry will celebrate a city’s links with Germany tomorrow night.

Poets Henning Ziebritzki and Carolyn Murphey Melchers, from Durham’s twin town of Tuebingen, will read some of their work at Clayport library, on the city’s Millennium Place.

The free event, which runs from 7.30pm to 8.30pm, will also include readings by local writers Keith Armstrong, Cynthia Fuller and Katrina Porteous.

Light refreshments will be available.

Afterwards, there will be live music at the Dun Cow pub, on Old Elvet, from 9pm.

Performers include Juergen and Doris Stuerm, from Tuebingen, and Durham-based Gary Miller and Marie Little.

Both events are free but places at the poetry reading must be booked by calling the library on 0191-3864003.