YOUNGSTERS are being urged to play safely while gas work is ongoing in a city centre.

Officials from Northern Gas Networks visited Durham’s Chorister School to teach children how to play responsibly while gas works are taking place near their school grounds.

The works are part of a £440,000 upgrade for Durham’s gas supply.

With some roads closed, the school extended its morning walking bus to ensure pupils could be safely dropped off by their parents.

During the Northern Gas Networks visit, children watched a Play Safe Stay Safe DVD.

Denise O’Donnell, from Northern Gas Networks, said: "The pupils of the Chorister School are now great ambassadors for safety in the region.

"They are helping us to spread the message that road works are just like building sites and need to be treated with respect.

"Playing near them or tinkering with equipment like barriers, pipes and signs can put them and other people at risk.

"Safety is paramount in everything we do, but we can’t be at every road works site 24-hours a day.

"We really appreciate the help that all the youngsters have given us in helping to spread this important safety message."