FOUR trainee vicars are being sent to prison this weekend.

The Anglicans, currently training at the Wesley Studies Centre, at Cranmer in Durham City, are to visit Durham Prison as part of a "Faith Sharing Team".

Canon Anne Dyer, warden of Cranmer Hall, said: "We are committed to sharing the gospel by word and deed.

"Usually our teams go to local churches and this is the first time that we have gone to a prison."

She added: "At the heart of the weekend is showing respect to an institution which faces the toughest problems that society throws up."

The weekend will include drama, discussion, refreshment, prayer and worship.

Barrie Cooper, Anglican Chaplain to Durham Prison said: "I am really pleased to welcome the team to Durham Prison."

Cranmer Hall and the Wesley Studies Centre have been sending out such teams for ten years and this year other teams will be going to Bearpark, Ryton, Cockfield and Evenwood.