A GRANDMOTHER has started a campaign in a bid to persuade a phone company not to put a mobile mast outside her home.

Telecommunications company O2 has planning permission to put a 13 metre high mast on land Humber Hill in Stanley, County Durham.

It will create a better service for people who use O2 and Orange networks in the area.

But Angela McIlvaney, 51, who has three grandchildren, fears it could affect their health and harm house prices in the area.

She is starting a petition to present to the company in an attempt to change their minds about the location of the mast, which has not yet been put up.

Mrs McIlvaney said: "I know they are a necessary evil because people need their phones and computers but do they have to put it 30 yards from my home?"

Residents opposed the original planning application in 2008 and it was rejected by Derwentside District Council.

But the company lodged an appeal which was upheld by a planning inspector and permission was granted by Durham County Council in December.

In a letter to the company the council’s head of planning, Stuart Timmiss said: "The key material planning considerations relating to design, appearance and scale of the proposals and their impact upon the visual amenity of the surrounding area, neighbouring residents and the impact upon highway safety were considered acceptable."

O2 were not available to comment.