PUPILS from eight schools in north Durham are taking part in events to learn about how they can live a healthier lifestyle.

The ‘healthier future’ events which will run until the end of the week are being held at the Belle Vue Leisure Centre in Consett and the Louisa Centre in Stanley.

Six comprehensive schools in the Stanley and Consett area, along with two special schools from Harelaw in Stanley and Villa Real in Consett, are taking part.

Pupils take away a goody bag, containing fruit and information about healthy eating and physical activity.

Nathan Colquhoun, 11, who attends Moorside Comprehensive School in Consett, said: "I think that it’s really good and good fun. "It has taught me a few things about some foods which you think are good can still be bad for you and I think the event encourages you to be healthy."

All events have been co-ordinated by County Durham and Darlington Community Health Services and Derwentside Leisure Works. Over 900 year seven pupils are taking part, giving them the opportunity to learn why it is important to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day, and the importance of increasing their levels of physical activity.