A CAR park which hasn’t suffered a single vehicle theft in 11 years has won another award.

The 400-space multi-storey car park at the Prince Bishops Shopping Centre, in Durham City, has been awarded the Park Mark award for the 11th year in a row.

The award was made after police inspected the security measures in place, including its chip coin payment system, lighting and CCTV coverage as well as its regular patrols.

Since the centre opened, more than 6.6m cars have been parked there but not one has been stolen.

Jon Stoddart, Chief Constable of Durham, said: "This is a fantastic achievement to have sustained this award for 11 years, showing what design and planning can do to make Durham a safer place.

"Over six million cars and not one broken into, safer parking and zero crime; Prince Bishops car park is truly an outstanding example."

Stuart Taylor, Prince Bishops Operations Manager, said: "We are delighted to have been recognised for the eleventh year in a row."