A PASTOR who runs an orphanage in India has visited Chester-le-Street to meet the people who fund his vital work.

Pastor Yesu Padam runs the Kathleen Home for Orphans and Widows in Narsapur, Andhra Pradesh, in South-East India.

It is currently home to 85 childrenh and 20 widows, mostly from the Dalit, or Untouchable caste, who otherwise would be living on the streets, begging and stealing to survive.

As well as accomodation and food, the orphanage also provides education.

Most of the funding it needs to keep going comes from volunteers who are memebrs of the Chester-le-Street Evangel Church.

They run a charity shop, The Kathleen Home Missionary Shop, in West Lane, off Front Street, that raises between £250 and £500 a week.

Pastor Padam, who is on his fourth visit to Britain to see his supporters, said: "They are doing great and we are very much thankful for everyone in the team.

"We praise God and are praying for the people and your nation. Because of their work many people are benfiting over there.''

The shop was officially opened last November by North Durham MP Kevan Jones and is manned Monday to Saturday from 9am to 4pm by a band of about seven volunteers.

It stocks, clothes, toys, books and bric-a-brac and people can call in for a coffee. Ten per cent of its profits go to the Evangel Church.

Charity shop secretary Pauline Macchiarelli (correct) said the shop received a lot of support and the volunteers' aim was to give help to people in need as Jesus Christ would have done.

Anyone who wants to donate items or money can visit the shop or call 0191-388 0613.