THE steelworker who tapped the last of the steel to be produced at the works in Consett has died.

Tommy Moore, 70, suffered a stroke while in bed at his Roger Street home in Blackhill, Consett, on Sunday morning.

After the closure of the plant in September 1980 Mr Moore was allowed to concentrate on his passion for local history.

He was secretary of the Derwentdale History Society and produced several books.

His wife Norma said: "History meant so much to him and he did so many things.

"When people were tracing their family tree the council and library would give them our number and Tommy would help them.

"We have made friends with people all over the country as a result of that and one couple came over from Australia."

Mr Moore had three sons and seven grandchildren and he was married for 51 years.

Mrs Moore added: "I have so many happy memories and I loved him more tyhan anything. He will be sadly missed."

Funeral arrangements are still being made.