A LOCAL historian is hoping that his latest book featuring old and new photographs of Durham City will prove a hit.

Michael Richardson, who has amassed a vast archive of old pictures of the city and surrounding areas, has produced several books about Durham City’s past.

His latest, Durham City Through Time, is a "now and then’’ book that features 180 images, some taken between the 1850s and 1960s, and others taken recently in colour by Mr Richardson.

"I had great fun taking the photographs,’’ said Mr Richardson. The fact that the new shots are in colour makes the book more alive. I got great pleasure putting the book together.’’ Mr Richardson and his publisher Amberley Books have re-issued The Ancient City of Durham, which was first published privately in 1883 by city architect H T Gradon and features an introduction by Mr Richardson.

Mr Richardson said: "The original is so rare only one copy has turned up for sale in the last 30 years or so. It sold for £240. The book covers all aspects of history from the ancient city, with a detailed index and has about 70 period engravings and drawings.’’ Both books cost £12.99 and are available from Waterstones and the city’s Tourist Information Centre, Millennium Place, Claypath, and Durham County Council libraries.