DRINKERS can earn themselves a free T-shirt by sticking to pubs and clubs committed to cutting alcohol related crime.

They are on offer to people who make a purchase in at least 12 of the premises involved in Durham City’s Best Bar None scheme.

Sporting the names of all 19 accredited venues, the black round-neck T-shirts resemble those promoting tours of top rock bands.

But police and council officials stress the initiative is not encouraging pub crawls or speed drinking.

Purchases can include soft drinks or food as well as alcohol and customers have up to six months to visit the necessary 12 premises.

Carol Feenan, Durham County Council’s Best Bar None manager, said: "We want the public to recognise the Best Bar None logo, so they know they’re visiting the safest premises.

"Durham City’s Best Bar None scheme was recently voted the best in the UK and the free T-shirt distribution is the next step in an ongoing campaign for customers to visit the best premises in the city."

Sergeant Steve Norris, city beat sergeant, said: "The T-shirts are a reward for the licensees’ hard work and the customers’ loyalty.

"Because there’s a six month period to get the T-shirt, people don’t have to binge drink. In fact, they don’t have to drink alcohol at all.

"It’s purely and simply to raise awareness of the scheme and safe venues."

Up to 2,000 T-shirts will be available.

A total of 60,000 guides to city’s Best Bar None-accredited premises have also been printed and will be available from police, bus and railway stations and Durham tourist information centre.

Durham’s Best Bar None scheme started two years ago and includes 75 per cent of all city centre bars, including university colleges.

Alcohol-related crime in Durham has dropped by 35 per cent and some premises’ takings are up 28 per cent.

Earlier this year, The Loft, on North Road, was stripped of its award after offering customers all they could drink for £10.

However, earlier this month the scheme beat competition from 94 rivals across the country to be named the best in the UK.

A Best Bar None scheme for Consett is to be launched in November.