A HOSPICE will launch its annual Light up a Life appeal with a special Durham Cathedral service.

St Cuthbert’s Hospice’s appeal invites people to remember the life of a loved one by making a donation in their name. In return, the names are inscribed in a Book of Remembrance.

This year’s Light up a Life will be launched at a Service of Remembering to be held in Durham Cathedral on Sunday, November 8, from 6.30pm. All are welcome to attend.

Lucy Baxter, the hospice’s development manager, said: "Remembrance Sunday is a highly symbolic occasion on which to launch Light up a Life this year.

"It is a time when we look back and recognise the lives of those no longer with us and celebrate their memories.

"We very much hope that the whole community will join us for what will be a beautiful service at the cathedral."

The service will include contributions from Durham Miners’ Association Brass Band and the Very Reverend Michael Sadgrove, the Dean of Durham.

Among those attending will be Barbara Henderson, who will be remembering her late husband John.

The couple, from Carrville, Durham, met on a blind date in February 1967.

Mr Henderson was diagnosed with lung cancer in June 2008, aged 61.

He died just three-and-a-half weeks later, on July 1, after receiving some care from St Cuthbert’s Hospice, in Durham.

Mrs Henderson, 62, said: "Even though it was so quick, John was very calm and matter of fact about the whole thing and he knew that he wanted to spend his last days at our family home.

"John was always my best friend as well as my husband. We did everything together and had wonderful adventures.

"John and I would have been celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary on Remembrance Sunday this year.

"Instead, on Sunday 8th November, I will be going along to the Service of Remembering at Durham Cathedral, in aid of St Cuthbert’s Hospice."

Mr and Mrs Henderson have two sons, one daughter and five grandchildren.

For more information about Light up a Life or the Service of Remembering, call Lucy Baxter on 0191-386-1170.