ELDERLY tenants enjoyed an afternoon of fun and games, musical bingo, traditional cakes and home-made lemonade.

The event at Lawson Court, West Pelton, near Chester-le-Street, was held by Cestria Community Housing, to promote Age Concern Durham County’s EngAge programme to consult old people about the services provided for them.

The day brought back memories as they played games including bagatelle, diablo, whizzers, quoits, table skittles and cup and ball.

Lisa Coverdale, Community Services Manager at Cestria Community Housing, said: "We are delighted to be working with Age Concern Durham County to help us engage and reach some of our older tenants who would never normally get involved in helping us to shape our services.

"It helps them to have social interaction with other tenants living within the scheme and everybody who participated had a fun time."

Age Concern Durham County Chief Executive Harriet Gibbon said: "Consulting with older people through our EngAge programme and ensuring that their views influence service commissioners and providers in the design and improvement of services for older people is a key part of our work.

"We are pleased to be able to assist Cestria Community Housing ensure that their services meet the needs of their residents."

The association will be running similar programmes with other Cestria tenants next year.