A WOMAN who took part in a hospice’s midnight walk in memory of her mother has been named the event’s top fundraiser.

Lynn Dowding completed St Cuthbert’s Hospice’s Midnight Walk in tribute to her mother Cynthia, who died in May, just ten days after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer - and just a month before the 10km walk.

Ms Dowding raised more than £600 by tackling the trek and will be rewarded for her efforts with a night’s stay in the Radisson Hotel, in Durham city centre.

She said: "Losing mum so suddenly made me realise how much care and attention is given to support those who are sick and their families, and I wanted to do something to help.

"I had so much support from friends and family and their generosity helped me make this walk a tribute to mum and the fabulous lady that she was."

Ms Dowding now lives in Berkshire. Her mother lived in Durham.

This year’s Midnight Walk attracted more than 800 female participants and raised more than £75,000. Next year’s walk will take place on Saturday, June 19.

For more information, call St Cuthbert’s Hospice on 0191-386-1170.