A COUNCIL housing management firm has been praised for its attitude to children and young people.

East Durham Homes (EDH), which manages 8,600 Durham County Council houses in the former Easington district, was awarded Investing in Children (IiC) membership for its Young Person’s Forum for a second year.

The forum, founded in 2006, gives young people the chance to influence EDH services and how EDH communicates with their peers.

IiC membership recognises examples of imaginative and inclusive practice, demonstrating a commitment to dialogue with young people that leads to change.

EDH is the only housing provider in County Durham to achieve the status.

Helen Mulhearn, from IiC, said: "I would like to say congratulations again on the renewal of the Investing in Children membership for East Durham Homes.

"It is great to see how the involvement of young people can have a real impact on resources and ways of working."

The forum is open to all young people in the area. For more information, call Carole Tilley on 0800-032-0835.