ONE man’s long-running campaign to brighten up his village with a few flowers has finally taken root.

Mark Richardson says he has been fighting to tidy up Langley Moor, near Durham, for four years without previous success.

But on Sunday, October 18, he and some neighbours took advantage of a Durham County Council offer of free planting bulbs, in an effort to bring some colour to the A690 approach to the village from Durham.

They planted 150 bulbs near Park View Terrace.

Mr Richardson said: "I’ve been trying for four years and got nothing from the parish council.

"Sacriston, Esh Winning and Ushaw Moor have all got hanging baskets but there’s nothing in Langley Moor. Brandon’s nice too - it’s got flowers and tubs.

"But Langley Moor needs tidying up. It’s a disgrace.

"I hope the pictures will shame the council and they might start doing something."

Mr Richardson thanked parish councillor Paul Taylor and Durham City MP Roberta Blackman-Woods for their support.