THOUSANDS of disadvantaged young people across north Durham are to benefit from a charity’s massive lottery windfall.

A grant of £223,529 has been given to Consett and District YMCA to develop their Y I AM project, to support needy young people.

The project, based in Consett and serving the Derwentside area, will build on previous work of the organisation to provide outdoor activities in the community.

Sara-Jane Heslop, delivery manager of Consett and District YMCA, said: “We now in their 90th year of service delivery across Derwentside. “This grant will focus primarily upon people who are most disadvantaged.”

The Y I AM project will fund the salary of an activity co-ordinator for five years who will try to engage with 8,000 people They will create a mobile package of activities to include a mobile climbing tower, paintballing and a laser clay shooting facility.

James Turner, The Big Lottery Fund’s head of region for the North-East, said: “This is fantastic news for young people across Derwentside.

“This lottery grant will help fund a vital project that is improving the well-being of thousands of disadvantaged young people from a variety of backgrounds.”