STUDENTS in north Durham are taking part in a campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer.

Derwentside College is joining in pink health promotion day on Thursday October 22 and the ‘Wear it Pink’ day on Friday October 30 Staff and students have prepared a list of very exciting and very pink events for the health day.

Activities include wearing pink clothes to college, collecting donations in a pink bucket, painting nails pink in the beauty department, as well as cooking and selling delicious pink cakes.

Other activities include a pink tombola and raffle prizes on pink raffle tickets.

Joanne Hewison, learning involvement co-ordinator at Derwentside College said: “The students are have thought up lots of ideas, which involve the colour pink, to help raise some funds which will help the Breast Cancer Campaign to continue researching the cure.

“I am sure that it will be a lot of fun for everyone involved.”

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer and one woman in nine will be affected by it during her lifetime in the UK.

For a fundraising pack call Freephone: 0800-107-3104 or visit